Office of Arts and Culture, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University organized an event of the “Worshiping of Imitation Buddha Tooth Relics and relics from 77 provinces Ceremony”.

Office of Arts and Culture, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University organized an event of the “Worshiping of Imitation Buddha Tooth Relics and relics from 77 provinces Ceremony”. This activity is to promote and support religious activities and important local traditions. This ceremony held on the purpose to pay homage to the Buddha Tooth Relic, a replica of the relics of the Lord Buddha in 77 provinces, the Sri Maha Bodhi Tree, the Buddha Statue Ming Mongkol and the Apostles. Including, the ceremony to worship the sacred things, the Sri Song Kwae Mangkhala Dance, offering as a Buddhist offering, offering a lotus tray and a candle casting ceremony for the Buddhist Lent Day 2023.

          In the afternoon, there was an activity “OPEN MUSEUM”, which held an academic discussion on the topic of “Belief in Buddha’s relics with Thai people” includes visiting the Phitsanulok City Museum at the Phitsanulok City Museum, Office of Arts and Culture, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Chan Royal Palace Campus.


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