Assistant Professor Dr. Chumpol Semakhun, the president of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University (PSRU), opened the project "4th Immunization and Drug Prevention in Higher Education Insitution " at the T209 conference room, Teepawit Building,

19 July, 2023

          Assistant Professor Dr. Chumpol Semakhun, the president of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University (PSRU), opened the project “4th Immunization and Drug Prevention in Higher Education Insitution ” at the T209 conference room, Teepawit Building, the project activities were organized by the Student Development Division. The project focuses on solving the drug problem which the government has made drug problem solving a priority of the nation by requiring all agencies to cooperate to solve the problem completely.

               On this occasion, the president reassures the audience that the university has realized the problem of alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs, which in the present tends to be higher, so providing knowledge, understanding, and self-defense skills, will be self-defense to live happily and safely on campus. In addition, the participants can also grow into a leader who will be able to transfer knowledge from this training to publish, and create correct awareness, which will prevent sustainable new drug addicts.


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