Eight Northern Rajabhat Universities President Conference

August 16, 2023

          Assistant Professor Dr. Chumpol Semakhun, President of Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University presided over the meeting of the presidents of the Northern Group of Rajabhat University, with Asst. Prof. Dr. Bancha Srisombat, Vice President for Academic Affairs attended the meeting at Pichaisongkram Conference Room, 4th floor, ICIT Building, Uttaradit Rajabhat University. This meeting scheduled important agendas to determine development direction of Northern Group of Rajabhat University Network in 2 main issues as follows: 

  1. Criteria for Rajabhat university lecturers for obtaining academic positions with the work/research on local service and society

          The meeting had consensus to assigned Uttaradit Rajabhat University as the main coordinator for the operation by establishing a support team (Coach&Coaching) to develop mechanism for development academic works for faculty lecturers from each university. Including, setting the objective to propose 3-5 academic positions of Assistant Professor with the work/research on local service and society within 2024.

  1. The development of Eight Rajabhat Universities class: Joint Online General Education Courses

          Joint Online General Education Courses initially invented to support the system for pre-teaching and lifelong education, according to the Northern Group Rajabhat Universities MOU, that has signed since February 2023. Additionally, the meeting had consensus to assigned Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University to be the main coordinator for the operation and to create a mechanism for developing an “Online Lesson Platform”, and each Rajabhat university would be responsible to develop general education courses, 5 subjects per university. Including, Kamphaeng Phet Rajabhat University will designed registration forms, assessment of learning outcomes, guidelines for accumulation in the credit treasury system, and inter-university transfers, which will have a working group meeting to implement in early September.


PHOTO: Sergeant Major Satit Maneechot






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